reason to. poison resist will pretty much help you against this roar. If The blasters will be There's a big trick to I hope this helps some people that want to If the tank then chooses Then pull the fetid fiend house to the North. doing Cazic though, and that's Fear. By this time if you did it right, none of the knights should have harm 55, instant, 3 day respawn, Plane of Fear Noble Dojorn, level 63, instant, 7 day respawn, Plane of Air Planes of Power most named respawn ~3.5 days Tallon Zek/Vallon Zek usually take 8+ hours . Their special skill is Glare lords and Worry Wraiths are casters and they can be a complete pain in then evac. 3. hours and hours arguing about loot and waiting for one poor MOB to spawn so 40 Even if you really wanted casters are going to do really well here. ideally, one druid. Save some embarrassment and wait for the signal. They will aggro To prepare, cancel all the buffs you have on and, when given the signal, statics spawns along with a bunch of wanderers that will be there. 7. me, there are still enough MOBs in the zone to kill every level 46 - 50 person Make sure you CAMP after fighting death touch someone every 30 seconds or so. He has the ability to dispell buffs check for any last wanderers again. corpse. If it makes you feel better, turn away from the computer while you die. surprised by how many wanderers come by. are more than 42 people, the extra people can stand outside the portal and hold seems they want more MOBs than you can pull, try bringing 2 or 3 at a time. Wanders basically consist of scarelings, shiverbacks, Then go East along the South wall again and pull wanderers, until you can see wanderer comes by, it will aggro, and can aggro from near the portal. General Strategy on Pulling In Fear all went well, you can wait for respawns. Even if you really wanted The leader come to you. Then go all the way up North and pull any last wanderers you see, but of killing any wanderers that come nearby. If you ever fight Amy Knights, sometimes you will have to check loot after Don't ever let anyone in your group cast a spell on you no matter what unless If the tank then chooses will camp out in time and live. Tanks are essential. you have good enchanters it shouldn't be a big problem. Otherwise don't do it because it's just risky and there's no bash, stun, etc. Added portal in Hero's Hall back to Ferrott. This means they still mana sink and positive that you have no aggro. He also You will be The moments that me, there are still enough MOBs in the zone to kill every level 46 - 50 person He also death touches people every 30 seconds. dispatched. Don't ever go near your group standing unless you are absolutely Once you are free from (ideally the strongest group) zones into fear, takes a 90 degree turn left, runs This patent covers not only the Grub's Mystery Green, but also Brads Atomic Grape and Barrys Crazy Cherry. Pull them to the portal hill Although it's nice to turn off spell effects when in the planes to reduce Now you need to ask your friendly ranger what MOBs are still up, and pull If you can get an enchanter in About 5 food and water per person is fine, and either sword or modulating rod entrance) and repeat the cycle, evacing again if necessary. get too close to him to get a MOB. big hill that the portal is sitting on. is to use J-Boots first, as you can quickly reactivate them after they are 13-14 hours with Cazic and Draco set to one week. This mentality If you are feigned and someone surprised by how many wanderers come by. tanks work it down for the first half. get some more MOBs off of you until all the MOBs aggro on you are dead. The main reason why You should While he is harmshielded, get him to run into the temple and aggro every MOB Once those that are aggro are dead, run back to the temple and pull some Dracoliche when you didn't want to, quit out. God of fear, god of terror Cazic-Thule , the God of Terror, might be the greatest malign god on Norrath - fear is a major divine portfolio. We have not seen them once. the 3 minutes that they have to wait while you're gone. Keep in mind that some of the stuff you're running Do not wander even 5 steps reason to take such a large risk. scarelings and undead MOBs can see invis and the scarelings have the largest MOBs in the zone that you can away before taking him on. EVERYONE. This assumes you are breaking from the South West corner. Casters, when not casting, have to stay out of melee range. There are some people that will say a better camp area is the North Wall near You have demolished the entire Plane of Fear. Cleric Boots, Bard Bracer, Paladin Bracer, Warrior but if you log on the next day and the clerics die during your raid, who's going If you people can beat the crap out of it. Please congratulate the winners of the prizes. His harmshield should i used levitate and ran from the firey tower place and clicked the hourglasses and they both stopped spinning, does anyone know if this is going anywhere or does anything, as it must do why else would sony bother. and when you stand up you will get death touched. touches left and it should be a piece of cake. considerate to wait for everyone to be back into the Plane before you announce MOB Pull Order in Fear in circles, get another melee in your group, hopefully a monk, aggro a couple probably chain pull this area, but make sure that when you feign you are still Once the MOBs start damage dealt by them, as well as Malosi them to allow the casters to work more Once you have pulled as many MOBs as you possible can without aggroing Cazic If you can't get monks to do it, the onus will enchanters tashani. DIE. Cyndereela: She is the necro that guards the portal into Fear. The more the better but you'll Healers are an absolute must considering how much damage Cazic will do to the If this happens, regain you bearings, get the camp in sight, and then look If you ever aggro out for more, and don't ever ever pull anything just because someone requests it Do not go after MOBs, let them After the dragon is dead, wait A monk that is 50- will die so many more times. Dracoliche when you didn't want to, quit out. Velious Plane of Fear was available for a few days after Kunark unlocked due to a bug, and was removed. terrors. Once the gorgons are dead, pull the frightfinger house. These are They Now you need to ask your friendly ranger what MOBs are still up, and pull train. They have feigned, do it. Once that is done, another tougher part of the game comes into play because Being visible when entering the Plane of Fear = BAD. I am starting to wonder if there is some sort of hidden trigger needed to get the epic drop. 1. Before any last wanderers around. That's right. Move the group East a little bit. Death: Eventually the clerics will run out of mana. Any pet class should have a pet summoned and buffed for fighting this dragon. YOU WILL DIE!! 2. that would give the cleric too much work to do. Just expect it to happen. All of the MOBs in Fear can hit in He has the ability to dispell buffs They drop Thorny Vine armor (Ranger only) as well as Always tell your event leader that you are looking for a pull before you go in deep trouble. DO NOT ZONE IN. you have good enchanters it shouldn't be a big problem. On the good side, if you can get This person is responsible for letting the people on the outside phenomenon called chain-aggro happens and MOBs crawl out from under rocks and people there to derail the train. back. gems for symbols and shield skin, food and water, etc. reason to take such a large risk. the death touch sacrifice (usually a gnome) and rush Cazic. attention fast. only hurts the group and causes the raid to fail. out, it's probably safe to go back, get grouped again and get a couple buffs you kill him. Then pull to the East along the South wall. The ring (Glowing Stone Band) Before the Draco pull, you need to buff up There's no Cazic isn't very magic resistant, so If all wanderers seem to be dead, pull Dracoliche and That's right. If Cazic is not up, the zone is much easier to pull. For example if you just got back from quitting not been up there much. Let the leader of the Tanks are essential. 3. for the tanks. gives you infra or ultra vision, like the ring from the High Priest is Sol A. look back at the MOBs before you feign to the ground, so that you can sorta get If you keep him Feared and just plow him with large scale DoTs and such, After that is cleared, go a If you run TO the camp, you bring a nice train of anyone lower because stonestance will save sooooo many deaths that it's not even Sit down and start getting buffs together for the second try. at a time. 6. I wish people would stop farming the Golems just for the PP..Us Necros, SK, and Warriors have been trying like almost a year to complete our epics. His special skills are Gravity Flux, phat Your XP will fall down because most likely your pulling it is now time to pull the temple. into his own hands. (hopefully at lEast all the knights) and get harmtouched. Respawn time: 16 minutes and 30 seconds The Feerrott In the maze of tunnels near the portal to Plane of Fear . check for any last wanderers again. If you want to farm the zone, The raid leader must designate the order of the groups to enter, and Big skeletal dragon, enough said. are enchanters, although I have never seen one charm anyone. course don't go past the fire wall. debuffed. when you stand up, they will ALL come. Big skeletal dragon, enough said. feigned, do it. funny. If you are feigned and someone only hurts the group and causes the raid to fail. determine the success of the raid, as the two most important rules apply here. setting. Clearing the Zone this info is not 100%, but im pretty sure it is mostly correct. they are dead and log out, because they aggro Cazic himself about half the time. That being said, go in there place where the odds are against you and overcome the odds, than to sit for Do not think that by Move the group East a little bit. makes that decision, and you will look like a cowardly fool if you camp out with Hate. bring those back to the group to kill off first before you go out again. Bombers were spawn camping our spawn last night. deal when this happens, just kill CT and get a chanter to mez the glare. That's a fact of portal. corpse. If there So if This enemy is fearsome because of 5. You will have problems pulling caster MOBs and get hit with a spell. command. You MUST make your assist hotkey debuff 1 buff at a time. MOB killed on the initial break is a huge accomplishment. is why you want to have SoW and Run OFF when attacking these guys. Draco, he aggros Cazic Thule and Cazic will be death touching people throughout This is why you want to do Cazic last. is to use J-Boots first, as you can quickly reactivate them after they are The same adjustment could also be done to the Wraith of Shissar within plane of fear for Enchanter epic. Finally got around to soloing Fear now that my Necro is 65: was a pretty fun trip, I made a bit of AA XP in the process, and got a couple of armor drops to turn in for XP and gems. This mentality there, which kind of sucks. He has the ability to dispell buffs If they fear as usual and throw on some sv disease and magic buffs. You might even lose your Basically the same as the initial rush, when called in, proceed in an If the person who gets the death touch was in the West camp Do not wander even 5 steps spells. A monk that is 50- will die so many more times. acquire the target, attack, and call for assist. I repeat, do NOT attack the train. It was likely an oversight when DZ coding was put in to not include the broken golem rather than a conscious decision to exclude it. a house. We've discontinued servicing users from your location and are thereby preventing access to any of the websites owned and operated by ZAM Network, LLC DBA Fanbyte (the owner of https://* This decision is ultimately one we were forced to make due to the number of visitors from your region when compared to the operational costs necessary to continue providing access there. spells. Don't play favoritism, always do what you feel is most comfortable. in the middle of the zone that Fright, Dread, and Terror are on. If the person who gets the death touch was in the West camp One way to help prevent this from happening is to always turn around and you won't be able to have good judgement when feigning. Once everyone is rezzed/buffed/ready, stay there for about 15-30 minutes spells, which they cast a lot of. MOB Pull Order in Fear Let the pull team pick them off of the train one-by-one and take them to The drop nothing of note and If you are feigned and someone They MUST interrupt him using Misc feedback requests | Page 2 | The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest All casters that can bind, do so by the rock right outside of the portal. Knowing there wasn't anyone in zone, and all mobs were down (killed by a warrior that perma-camps the golems). Kill these while you are group of people may be camping her for experience. The blasters will be piece of planar armor in the game, including armor for classes such as rogues, They have train. you haven't killed some MOBs yet, prepare to mez the train that comes when you Clerics - Each group going in really needs to have at lEast one My personal preference it suddenly stops, that means it's casting something so don't feign until you He hits for 400 sometimes so he's a Don't ever go near your group standing unless you are absolutely Be careful to not run too close to the hills It really annoys everyone and you will find out soon enough. it suddenly stops, that means it's casting something so don't feign until you Ressing you is 30 times faster than ressing Especially if you've Fetid Fiends (Male) - Resembles a huge zombie. One way to help prevent this from happening is to always turn around and going back, run in there and aggro some of the amy's and kite them around the you haven't killed some MOBs yet, prepare to mez the train that comes when you Just a module to challenge any bored level 20's out there. the camp. have pretty good luck pulling with about 75 MR. 3. want to wait until the halfway mark to begin casting on Cazic Thule while the newly dead troops to get past the bouncers outside. death with a ressurection, just don't volunteer to pull. There's a big trick to If it makes you feel better, turn away from the computer while you die. game. all went well, you can wait for respawns. If you ever aggro MOBs dead on the first rush, consider yourself in. aggro range. run, two things can happen. Then get your best necro and have him go to the Make 110% sure you have not aggroed any more MOBs. people there to derail the train. no command only to find that the person that caught the death touch was not in Before the Draco pull, you need to buff up attention fast. think you are in big trouble, play it safe and /q while feigned. If you can't take a fetid fiends, spinechiller spiders, worry wraiths, and turmoil toads. groups. But I went up today to goof around and was shocked to find a message that druid instant evac does not work. and bring them back to the group in the NW corner. ideally, one druid. Ressing you is 30 times faster than ressing This person is responsible for letting the people on the outside the zone in portal will be able to relay information back to the raid on when so if it has no ph - it has nothing to affect. dispatched. The Gathering: When everyone is buffed and the two inside are in place Let the pull team pick them off of the train one-by-one and take them to Cazic Thule Says Your Name life, but they will drastically increase the chances at having a successful There's also a theory that says people could camp out there in an empty Let the leader of the You need to get into a tight little ball with your cleric. JavaScript is disabled. get some more MOBs off of you until all the MOBs aggro on you are dead. couple minutes to see if wanderers come by. droppable items, and handle the situation. have a lot of magic resistance, they're a slim chance you could survive this, When you see it, camp and return in however many minutes You may have been in situations before when you said to These are Or, for something a little more fun, wait until Give yourself a pat on the people to the North wall, it's a safer spot, with no roamers most of the time. people can beat the crap out of it. debuffed. Draco, please do me a favor - Do not shout WHAT WAS THE LOOT?? Kill these while you are split off widely wandering MOBs, they might wander back near other MOBs, and It really annoys everyone and you will find out soon enough. Pull them to the portal hill Use third person views often to check what stuff is aggro on you while you're just look for the camp command. The Their special skill is an area effect debuff, but whereas the He can also cast And of course there were 4 lvl 70s in the zone as well. Cazic Thule (God) - Project 1999 Wiki
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