Upon a pro-Japanese coup, all Chinese national governments will be prompted to declare war on the Fengtian Government. Fixed Alfredo Campos' description using someone elses. Serbias Nedic coup now removes the Dream of Yugoslavia national spirit, and includes a NatPop coalition. Paradox Mods Fixed the Liberian decision to core Senegal checking for Togo, instead of Senegal. Redrew the borders and state boundaries for Shanxi and Xikang. Expanded the interactions of the Austrian Military Occupation path with Germany, Poland and the Belgrade Pact - The Brotherhood of Slavs as a faction no longer exists, and its previous members now join the Belgrade Pact instead, calling them into the war against Austria. Fixed Uruguay creating a faction with a non-existent Brazil. Patagonias Baldomeristas are now referred to as Ugartistas, as Baldomero was Manuel Ugartes middle name. Fixed long character names overflowing in the advisor panel. The Mexican NatPop party is now called the National Synarchist Union (Unin Nacional Sinarquista). Fixed Swedens "Industrial Sabotage" national spirit not being removed after Norway is defeated. Added a leader description to Switzerlands Jakob Herzog. Fixed Sweden annexing land that it isnt supposed to. Fixed the Tshuapa Clique not being added to wars in the Mittelafrikan collapse. Fixed Paraguay being able to attack Brazil despite not controlling all of the Chaco. Fixed the Siamese infrastructure decisions. Outside of using Game Rules, wargoals can no longer be justified before the Second Weltkrieg. Fixed Georgia keeping pro-German ideas when puppeted. How to Change Ideology in HOI4 | gamepressure.com Carlist Spain now bypasses the focus to join the Entente if it is already in the Entente. Renamed Canadas Thunder Bay to Port Arthur. Capitulation check for Legation Cities decision. Manchu Coup Qing will now have elections every four years, instead of every six. Adjusted the stats for some British commanders. Fixed a misfiring Sichuan-Fengtian grain event. Fixed an event not firing in the SocDem Lithuania path. The Socialist Republic of Italy has had their tree simplified. Added ownership checks to Rigas reintegration foci. Franois Darlan is now an admiral for the Commune of France, having moved from the French Republic. The Left Kuomintang now always changes its capital to Nanjing after winning the League War. As usual, this hotfix WILL break saves - so either start a new game or revert to previous versions to finish any ongoing games. Fixed the Chinese United Front tags not having their major status reset upon peace. Paraguay can now core the border states with Brazil via a compliance/resistance decision. Songs Removed: March of the Markov Regiment, March of the Kornilov Regiment, March of the Drozdovsky Regiment, March of the Alekseev Regiment, Soldier's Dance and Capital Oppresses Us. Nerfed the Red Baron trait for Germanys Manfred von Richthofen. Added a new loading screen quote by Garegin Nzhdeh. Fixed some missing Puerto Rico ministers. This does mean that some countries will appear not to change name, due to their name in this other file being called up after. Adjusted how South Africa handles the Protectorates with dynamic modifiers. Militarist/Nationalist Poland can now join the Belgrade Pact. Restored the resource gain from infrastructure, but at a rate of 5% instead of the vanilla 10%. Shanxi can no longer attack Qing if they've signed a neutrality agreement. Reduced the failure rate of the Russian Zemstvo system, and removed the extra penalties (losing time and PP is already enough of a penalty.). Buffed the effects of the Local Democracy and Political Tutelage national spirits for the Left Kuomintang. Puppeted non-Socialist Japan is now known as the State of Japan.. Added leader traits to Left Kuomintang leaders. Added a failsafe so the fall of Kemal still fires if a player delays the foci. The French Republic's Lingering Communard Resistance modifiers are now applied in territories returned by the Lyon Conference. Fengtians decision which gives them the Motorised technology, now has another effect if they already have researched the technology. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. Tweaked the setup for Mittelafrikas economic recovery. Fixed Syria inviting its puppets into the League of Arab States. Added fortification decisions for Paraguay. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy collapsing when the game rule is set for them not to. Added new flags for Republican Canada, NatPop puppet England, PatAut Mongolia, and Quebec. Rebalanced Switzerlands New Order decisions to make it actually possible to secure the government and take Greater Switzerland. Fixed Serbia not receiving Carniola in the Treaty of Budapest. Sdwestafrika now gates parts of its tree behind the players selection of Governor again. President Dmitriy will no longer be immortal if the Second Russian Civil War is ongoing. Added general descriptions for Fengtians Yu Zhishan and Zou Zuohua. Fixed Nicaragua requesting socialist aid from Canada. Fixed puppet KMT Hunan aligning itself with the Chinese Federalists. Norway's Great Patriotic War national spirit now adds a division limit bonus. Increased the amount of military factories that spawn at the start of the American Civil War. Some adjustments to the Treaty of Budapest: the AI is now guaranteed to accept peace, unless theyre in a faction and the faction leader (a player) has already refused the treaty, Added more variations to the event text, particularly for Italy and Poland, and covering the possibility for when Germanys intervention means Italy might not receive anything out of the treaty (the text wont imply that they do), Workaround for a rare occurrence where partial control over a non-enemy state whose owner is in exile will drag them into a peace conference, even though their faction hasnt capitulated yet, Fixed incorrect state id reference in Status of Salonica trigger, All government changes in Switzerland, Honduras, Uruguay, Papal State, and Lombardy now properly remove old ministers, Bulgaria no longer loses all its cores in the instance where the Greek rebel state is annexed by Greece proper (Bulgarias cores were accidentally being removed instead of the Greek rebel cores), Fate of Dalmatia decision now fires the correct event, Fixed Guangzhou being counted as part of Legation Cities, Fixed Mongolian and Tibetan endonyms being overridden by Chinese ones, Socialist Russia no longer claims Pas-de-Calais, Fixed a puppet Ma Clique being able to change their government, Alash Orda will no longer be set free by the RCW in the rare case where they stay loyal, Fixed the Romanian legionary minister changes removing the HoG, Poland can now be granted a puppet Galicia if released after the latter, Replaced Bulgarian flags coat of arms with one the monarchy actually used, Germany: Eberhard von Mackensen, Albert Kesselring, August von Mackensen, Gerd von Rundstedt, Gotthard Heinrici, Rupprecht von Bayern, Heinz Guderian, Walter Model, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Wilhelm III (General Variant), Erich Raeder, Ewald Kleist, Friedrich Paulus, Hermann Boehm, Erwin von Witzleben, Erich von Manstein, Erich Hoepner, Franz von Papen, Georg Kuchler, Gnther Ltjens, Lothar Arnauld Periere, Rudolf Rocker, Wilhelm Souchon, Gustav Krupp, Karl Doenitz, Gunther Kluge, Hermann Hoth, Wilhelm Pieck, Others: Ali Kelmendi (ALB), Ahmet Zogu (ALB), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC), Georgi Dimitrov (BUL), Reginald Hildyard (CAF), Carlos Campo (CHL), Yang Yuting (FNG), Asgeir Asgeirsson (ICE), Ta Thu Thau (INC), Eoin ODuffy (IRE), Franz Ritter von Epp (MAF), Theodor von Hippel (MAF), Ferdinand Schorner (MAF), Guy Halifax (SAF), Thomas Dewey (USA), Saint Louis in Senegal is now in the right place, Volgograd state and VP has been renamed to Tsaritsyn from the start, Fixed the urban terrain of Tashkent being on the wrong place. Fixed Sardinia not being able to take the peaceful reunification decisions. LKMT can no longer integrate allies unless they've returned all expeditionary forces. Fixed Sichuan's generals not going into exile. Fixed countries not being entirely annexed in peace conferences. Fixed the Netherlands retaining parts of Indonesia if it goes socialist and Dutch East Indies is dead. Fixed Slovenia being led by Milan Stojadinovic. None of the Indian states can do their "incorporate Madras" focuses until they have returned all expeditionary forces for puppets. Renamed some states on the Malay peninsula. Morocco can now declare independence during the Weltkrieg if Germany is losing or severely outnumbered. The new songs are: a ira mieux demain, Ce que c'est qu'un drapeau, Cocorico, Debout la France, Hymne de L'Infanterie de Marine, Ils ne la gagneront pas, Ils Reviendront, La France de demain, La Galette, La Royale, Le Chant des Girondins, Le Cuirassier, Le Rve Passe, Marche des Tirailleurs, Nous autres de la chasse (Us of the Hunt)", La Renouveau, Rhin et Danube,Semons le Grain de la Lumire and a new version of La Marche Lorraine. Removed Ling Bin, Cao Shijie and Fan Zhijan as generals for Qing. Fixed an annexation event referring to a non-existent Austrian Empire. Poland now keeps Cieszyn when releasing Bohemia. Fixed the Entente sometimes staying out of the Third Boer War. Fixed several bugs in the post-war Transamur code. Unfortunately, as we've noted before, this hotfix \will* break saves. The Soviet Union can no longer core Korea. The text for the event at the death of Floyd Olson now takes the circumstances of the American Civil War into consideration. The ingame descriptions for Syndicalism and Totalism have been rewritten to more accurately represent both ideologies. Shan can now access most of its focus tree if released as a puppet. The Fate of the Imperial Family now fires for whoever puppeted Japan. Nerfed Manchu Qings Unifying Emperor and Mandate of Heaven national spirits. Rebalanced the Ma Cliques focus trees for Ma Lin and Ma Bufang to be more competitive with each other. Fixed United Baltic Duchy building forts in France. FNGs first CER Tax event now impacts the Communications Clique appropriately. Fixed Croatia rebelling against Yugoslavia, in parts of Croatia that werent under Yugoslav control. We never would have got here without one of the most amazing and passionate communities in all of gaming. Fixed a Legation Cities event firing twice. India's focuses to take Ceylon now account for German East Asia owning the Andamans. Fixed Bulgarias Tsar Boris III coming back from the dead. Fixed Yunnan being able to join the Zhilis faction. Enjoy! HOI4 console commands - all Hearts of Iron 4 cheats 2023 LKMT Yunnan can form the ROC via its focus tree if the Fujian KMT is dead and they become independent. Streamlined and optimised the Wallonia code. Fixed Austria never releasing Hungary locking itself out of its paths, Austria no longer peaces out with the Belgrade Pact when Germany falls, Fixed a crash bug caused by a PRF event picture. Added some improvements to triggers of the League of Eight Provinces events for invasion warning, loan location and League collapse events. Stability has been changed to be less lopsided; the effects at 0% stability are -20% factory/dockyard output, -10 organisation, and -10% political power gain, and at 100% stability are +20% factory/dockyard output, +10 organisation, and +10% political power gain. Germany no longer gets two Black Monday news events. Hearts of Iron 4's Kaiserreich mod is the best historical strategy Fixed the effect for the League of American States being on the wrong event. Fixed Bolivia's NatPop coup not firing correctly. The Federalists can now give ultimatums to Shanxi if they border it. Fixed Chen Jiongming being invited to the Fengtian unification conference, even if at war with a Fengtian ally. Fixed several participating characters in the American Civil War not being in their respective splinters for the Trial of post-war events. Fixed Manchuria promoting Guan Xiangying to a leader when they dont have him. Fixed NatPop Shandong going to war with Nanjing during Qings Manchu Coup. NFA can no longer start Concentration Republicaine or Mass Party after cementing the coalition. Fixed Austrian-puppet Poland causing the Reichspakt to be renamed to the Donau-Adriabund. NatPop Italian Republic can now join Moscow Accord, if the Socialist Republic of Italy does not exist. The Princely Federation can no longer join Japans faction if it is at war. Added Teng Daiyuan as a general for Hunan. Fixed Australasia not becoming a republic on release by non-Entente countries. Fixed Socialist Russia being unable to attack NatPop Lithuania. Fixed NatPop puppet Kingdom of Georgia not having a king. Fixed Turkey being able to attack Armenia without bordering them. Fixed Trieste, Trentino and South Tyrol becoming Italian colony states. If you started down the PSF path while in Africa but then elect the radicals into power upon your return to the continent, your research national spirit no longer instantly cancels. Removed the Polish Autonomy state modifier due to it being unbalanced. Fixed Nguyen Son not moving correctly between Indochina and the Left Kuomintang. Added some party popularity for the Tsar Wrangel path for Russia. Puppeted Serbia can now core Yugoslav states. Added two forgotten states to Gran Colombia cores. Zhang Xueliang and Wu Junsheng die as generals and ministers when they are killed. Fixed Poland getting the SocCon republic coup after already turning socialist. The French Republic can now annex Morocco. Ireland's news events no longer fire if regional news events are disabled. Fixed Paraguays Estigarribia not having his leader description changed if he was democratically elected. Changed the effect of the Mobility Potential focus for Chile. Canadas Looming War national spirit now changes its name to The American Intervention, when appropriate. Fixed a Norway national spirit description. Fixed Dutch East Indies characters not being transferred correctly to the Netherlands. Added a failsafe so civil war tags always annex each other after a peace conference. Decreased the National Focus times in Carlist Spain. Fixed Fengtian not receiving Ma Zhanshan when he defects to them. Added state ownership checks to the Assyrian Rebellion event chain. Fixed the Persian focus to attack Iraq and further improved their AI code. Fixed Ma Ji being able to do his post-Yue-Gui War tree before defeating Guangdong. Fixed German East Asia gaining cores on states given by Fate of X missions, instead of claims. Fixed South Africa entering a war it cannot fight due to the Wavering Dominion national spirit. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Fort, Gideones, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rinbro, Roniius, Rylock, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. We hope you enjoyed the release of 0.12, we certainly did; it was one of the smoothest releases we have ever had with not a single CTD found.
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