Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland was part of the Rising in the North in 1569. The first being Elizabeth's refusal of marriage to Phillip if Spain. Both could be serious threats to Elizabeths England. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! This forced the Spanish fleet to travel into the dangerous waters off the Scottish and Irish coasts. The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. Babington and other known plotters were hanged, drawn and quartered. Why was the threat of invasion Elizabeth's biggest problem in 1558? Phillip II of Spain proposed marriage to Elizabeth. The Spanish had a greater army and Dudleys army was significantly smaller. Guy states that Northumberland's success in foreign policy was due to ending Somerset's wars . The plan was then for the combined forces would then sail across the Channel to England under the protection of the Armadas warships. (1583) was a threat to Queen Elizabeth. Indeed, the Ridolfi Plot of 1571 was even led by one of the Popes spies, Roberto Ridolfi. Many northern nobles were still committed Catholics and wanted to see the restoration of Catholicism under a Catholic monarch. Francis Drake is knighted on the Golden Hind. Become a Member | and reversing the religious settlement. Another danger was the risk Marys son, James VI of Scotland posted as he might seek revenge for his mothers death. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. -Threats from Catholics in the middle years were significant e.g. Queen Elizabeth and King Phillip II were still reluctant to openly declare war with one another however, in 1585, this changed due to dispute over the Netherlands. She raised an army following her escape from prison but was defeated at Langside (Glasgow). The lack of money was problematic because it meant England was potentially vulnerable to attack (and Elizabeth had no means by which to defend the country militarily). However, there were other challenges facing Elizabeth. 2. English exports to Europe were vital to the English economy and reached the European market via the Dutch ports, particularly Antwerp. The traditional bonds between England and Spain were deteriorating and England needed the support of France for protection from Spain. In Europe, the 1570s saw some of the worst atrocities of the protracted fall-out of the Reformation. The Ridolfi Plot of 1571 and later the Throckmorton and Babington Plots, of 1583 and 1586 respectively, all involved the aim of placing Mary on the throne. The reasons for, and significance of, the Revolt of the Northern Earls, 156970. Apply for student finance without a bank account? Write a paragraph or two. He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour.Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, "whom we hungered for so long", with joy and relief. This risked provoking King Phillip further and to avoid this, Elizabeth forced Dudley to resign his position immediately. This meant that Elizabeth was declared illegitimate as her claim to the throne comes through the marriage of Anne to Henry. Mary was spared. The French were Catholic but did not have the same hostility to English Protestantism as Spain was. The powerful countries in Europe at that time - France and Spain - were Catholic and the plots against Elizabeth often . There are 4 main exam boards which are AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), OCR and How To Revise For GCSE Psychology The ultimate step-by-step guide for students, teachers and private students. The plan was that 130 ships (equipped with 2431 guns) would sail along the Channel to the Netherlands, where they would pick up 27,000 troops, led by the Duke of Parma. Another being the English sympathy to the protestant rebels on the Netherlands. Elizabeth and Philipthese two powerful peoplewould begin their relationship peacefully, even warmly, but they would become enemies, facing off in a battle of empires and faiths that would . In 1565 the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire proposed that Elizabeth marry Archduke Charles of Austria. During this journey, they encountered several powerful Atlantic storms and this resulted in many ships sinking or being wrecked on the Scottish and Irish coasts. Describe two features of the Rebellion of the Norther earls 1559 7. These problems all led to supply issues for the Spanish Armada and had a major impact on the morale of the Spanish troops. Elizabeth would receive a share of the privateers profits and as Englands financial situation was poor at the time, this proved to be an incredibly important source of income for the Queen. In July, the Spanish fleet was seen off Cornwall and signal fires known as beacons were lit along the south coast to send the news to the Elizabeth who was in London. Te Deums were sung in churches, bonfires lit, and "their was shott at the Tower that night above two thousand . This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Anyone refusing to pay poor rates could be imprisoned and officials failing to organise poor relief could be fined. In 1584, the rebel leader, William the Silent was assassinated, and the Dutch resistance was at risk of defeat. Phillip II of Spain was reluctant to destroy his alliance with Elizabeth and therefore his support for the plots were heart-hearted. The plots involved European conspirators and were supported by France, Spain and even the Pope. Most people in . The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, finally removed the on-going threat at home from Catholics who wanted to replace Elizabeth with her. 214 High Street, This included: 1) the Act of Supremacy which stated that Elizabeth was Head of the Church, 2) the Act of Uniformity which set out expectations for church appearances and church services and 3) Royal Injunctions a set of instructions reinforcing the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity. Parma and his men, however, were being blockaded by Dutch ships and werent able to reach the coast in time. Legitimacy of succession: The Pope did not recognise Henry VIII's marriage to Anne. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - introduction. The aim was to rid France of heresy (Protestantism). Some Vikings fled to France to establish a colony called Normandy. The failure of the colonisation was due to: the resistance of the Native Americans; conflict amongst the English settlers (who collectively had the wrong mix of skills to make the settlement a real success); the loss of supplies via the damage incurred on The Tiger and the fact that the voyage set off too late for crops to be planted (causing dependence on the rightfully suspicious Native Americans). Queen Elizabeth had become aware of this plan and in 1587, sent her most successful privateer, Sir Francis Drake, to spy on Spanish preparations and attack their ships and supplies. In 1558, England lost its final possession - the port of Calais - in France. The fact that the Pope never approved Henry VIIIs divorce from Catherine of Aragon in 1533 (and England had to break from Rome in order to achieve this) combined with the fact that Catherine was still alive when Elizabeth was born. The core of her legitimacy problem centred around the circumstances of her birth by Anne Boleyn. If those Catholics decided to rebel against . The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation. Europe. Learning of the Spanish plans to build an Armada and invade England, Drakes mission was to try and stop this. He plotted a Spanish invasion of England, which would involve the killing of Elizabeth and the placing of Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne. The threat posed by the pretenders Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel. Pick a key scene from the story and tell it from the third-person limited point of view, through Doodle's senses and feelings. Elizabeth also felt she had no right to execute a legitimate monarch but also, executing a queen could set a dangerous precedent that could undermine her own claim to rule by Divine Right and fuel more plots against her. In order to marry Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII had to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Elizabeth and James VI agreed to maintain Protestantism as their respective countries religion. to answer the Section Focus Question: August 8th: Battle of Gravelines fireships caused the Spanish fleet to scatter. Elizabeth chose to give direct help to the rebels by signing the Treaty of Nonsuch, which placed the Netherlands under her protection and promised military help. - send 2000 to rebels. The Spanish plan to meet the Duke of Parma at Dunkirk was seriously flawed. Boston Spa, The child cried when he saw the _______ of his favorite toy in the driveway. The Council was controlled by southern Protestants and this caused resentment by the northern nobles. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation - Most significant problem she faced as if she didn't have money she couldn't defend England against invasions. The treaty also stated that Mary would give up her claim to the English throne, although this was not formally agreed by Mary. Best Answer. Roman Catholics . Financial Weakness She was 300,000 in debt. The Ridolfi plot failed mostly due to Elizabeths allies passing the names of the main conspirators involved to her. By instinct, Elizabeth was a Upon his arrival, he accepted the position of Governor-General which proved to be a big mistake as it suggested that Elizabeth had taken control of the Netherlands. 1534 Duke of Angoulme (third son of Francis I)c1542 A Prince of Portugal1543 Son of the Earl of Arran 1544 Prince Philip (Philip II) 1547 Sir Thomas Seymour 1552 Prince of Denmark 1553 Courtenay, Earl of Devonshire 1554 Philibert Emanuel, Duke of Savoy 1554 Prince of Denmark 1556 Prince Eric of Sweden 1556 Don Carlos (son of Philip II)1559 Philip II 1559 Prince Eric of Sweden 1559 Son of John Frederic, Duke of Saxony 1559 Sir William Pickering 1559 Earl of Arran 1559 Henry Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel 1559 Robert Dudley 1560 King Eric of Sweden 1560 Adolphus, Duke of Holstein 1560 King Charles IX 1560 Henry, Duke of Anjou 1566 Robert Dudley 1568 Archduke Charles 1570 Henry Duke of Anjou 1572- 1584 Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Anjou. In 1558, England and Spain were still allies against France, but King Philip of Spain (who had been married to Mary) hated Protestantism with a passion. Save. - Significant political threat as her legitimacy and gender led to people not accepting her as queen. As King Phillip II ruled the Netherlands, he had control over the access to these vital Dutch ports and he could, therefore, limit English access. John White (another leading colonist) sailed back to England to report on the problems being experienced. Catholic priests were ordered to leave so as not to influence the English Catholics with divided loyalties. As the Spanish had lost these to Drake, they were forced to make their barrels from unseasoned wood, which couldnt preserve food or water very well. Moreover, the brazenness of these revolts was further helped by the blessing of the Pope, whose directives on recusancy and overthrowing Elizabeth were obeyed by many Catholics both domestically and internationally. Elizabeth seized the gold which angered King Phillip and in response, he seized English ships that were in Antwerp. The imprisonment owed to her likely involvement in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley. The attack was a success. Insolvency therefore limited the choices of the new Queen and instantly undermined her power. Not many Englishmen were granted licenses and therefore Elizabeth would encourage privateers, men who sailed their own ships, to trade illegally with the Spanish colonies. In 1571, he developed a plot to overthrow Elizabeth using his Catholic contacts in England and Europe.