But maybe that might change since he wants to be civil he wants to be happy . Wasn't even going to go back to my ex before him but I guess that was his way to keep me tied down. Maybe it is love seeing as how he isn't with her anymore and we are working towards make things again. And probably always will be. When we finally saw each other I took my kids to school and he told me to give him 5 min to talk so I did he said what he needed to say and then he kissed me and hug me so fast I was chocked with my mouth open like what just happened. Then he knocked 2 women up: one didn't keep the baby; the other said if he'd be there to help her she'd keep the baby (he forwarded the messages to me including the pic of the pregnancy test she text him). What do i do?.over the last year or so I thought there was some fire again as we were acting like the old days. Trust your gut. This month ( MAY) we celebrated my birthday and went to Miami. He has too much to deal with and is putting her feelings ahead of yours. But when its common for the woman to text at all times of the night, it shows a lack of respect for your relationship on her part, and a lack of respect on his part as well for not drawing a line. I hate it. How is that possible when I dont know the girl who knows your wife? I found he's having a BOY. Today I witnessed his behavior towards him picking up his son: all dressed up and using cologne (he has to get him from exs house). when a man have a kid(s) with his ex(s) they are a package deal.if u want to be with him, u have to be supportive n understanding and don't stress him out cuz he is not giving u enough time.this can lead to fights n eventually a break up. On top of co-parents underestimating the impact having a child with someone can have on future relationships, those who date people with children also underestimate all that can come with such situations. If you see him often and youre trying to understand the way that he feels about you then it would be helpful to compare the way that he interacts with you with the way that he interacts with others. To lift her self up financially so she could leave me. Easier said than done. He Means it in a Romantic Way. My thing is, if I wanted my daughters father I could VERY WELL have him! These things are complicated and painful, and I will get over it eventually and find someone that matches me more and treats me better, but I wasted a lot of time and she probably has too because he doesn't love her still (he doesn't love himself and has deeper issues). If this is the case, then its a good thing! I wanted to get an education first, be in love and be married to the man of my dreams and make beautiful babies all the babies we want. Do you not read between the lines. but then he made another girl pregnant, and has chosen me over her. He seeks my approval because I set the standard. If she tries to use the child against him, there are legal steps he can take. She cheated 2x. Honestly, I would be interested as to why y'all haven't been able to meet one another. More often than.not, people who share a child but aren't together anymore, they hate each other, or one hates the other more. I had my daughter very young and I might of had puppy love with her father but I do not think we ever had a deep emotional bond which made it easier for us both to move on. This has been going on for over a year and I feel bad for the girl who has no idea or maybe suspecta like you and I know how that feels as he was lying to me when he was cheating on me with her. The entire family is ok with him having a girlfriend because the most important thing for them is to get their citizenship at any cost. The reason that he calls you wifey might actually be that he is being manipulative and he is doing it to make it feel like the relationship is more serious than it really is. Roommate Doesnt Want My Boyfriend Coming Over? And like George said she took away the ability to have my child near me for greed and selfishness. The day after that, he had her bringing him to my subdivision. You know ur right sometimes women do make bad choices some don't use birth control n I am one of those. And yes your still with him you should work on self respect. The reality is you can do better. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. the cop out story only works on idiots. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. He is a cake eater. Anyway fwd now, I told him is okay if you are going to want things this way is okay no issues with me. He had a girlfriend here in the UK, but his fiance was back home, awaiting immigration stuff. should i just cut the relationship short?. Let me break it down for you. (Solution). He made little jokes like what if it's a boy ? If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number. When I first met him he had a daughter , and was living with a female other than his daughters mother. We're friends now. should I stay with or leave him. For others, they move on quickly. Best thing you can do is end it and walk away. Having baby after baby in a fatherless household will keep a poor woman poor. Put a stop to it now or you will regret ityou are NOT obliged to deal with this nonsense. Do you think he slowly but surely trying to make a come back or just trying to do the right thing to co-parent? Treat each other with respect. Wasn't really my choice it ended but there was a lot of history there and we both made mistakes. I fully agree with you.Im 28 weeks pregnant and my baby daddy is seeing this gf which he lies to her all the time.We broke up few weeks ago but we still have sex.In all our chats and phone calls he still tells me he loves me and that what is important. He thought I was cheating, which I never did. MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, It was something about him as well that I could not put my finger on. It may have been a silly pet name to call you after a couple beers. I don't even know what to do about it anymore. Both of my kids have gone through the same as yours, and I cemented the fact that my name was not "Mommy" by jokingly saying, "I-AIN'T-CHE-MAMA!" I was once in a relationship with someone who has two kids. Why would he prioritize an ex' feelings over yours? Regarding always want the family together? She is constantly sending texts to him about his baby and her personal business. He tells me I need things to die down in my home our kids are not so little not to tell me whats going with them at school or anywhere. She actively tried to make his life miserable and he just wanted to never see or speak to her again, so no I wouldn't say that all guys will always love their babymamas. Funny thing is, if whoever he's dealing with doesn't meet me, they're not shit. But hes not all to blame i take full responsibility for the desaster i made of my life. Where i tell the woman i choose to mess with the truth of how i feel. I still loved her and had done for the 2 years we have been apart that was until i got her a mobile from work and changed her phone data over to another mobile.i found hook up messages from locals today. I would have been better for my son. What make her think she's the real one when she's the stupid side chick.. nooo class at all. if u want to stay then this is ur life if u decide to marry him one day. You should never settle for being second choice. It's pretty ****in annoying to b honest like I don't have nothing against the kid but my chest hurts everytime I see him granted he had a lot of kids I was looking forward to having his first son of anything! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2f9777ad2e87c0 I and my boyfriend rekindled and we are back together. Fast forward, this dude has a lot of issues, and he done had woman after woman since knowing him. This is a clear signal that he's really into you, wants a relationship, and is showing it by calling you baby. It basically means that he loves you so much and desires to have a family with you. Take this advice from a woman who is married to a man who has a evil baby mama; just remember everything will work out for the good if your man stand firm when dealing with her and don't give in to her stupid games. He's married for better/worse, in sickness/health till death due you part! It was a boy; he text me the pics. I came across the guy with no intention of attractions what so ever. "You look nice today" is guyspeak for "I'm attracted to you." When he cracks a joke, you're the first . - yup! The thing is I tell him I miss my family and him but he never responds back yet when we go out he pays for everything for both of us but we don't talk much, I will admit that I'm kinda scared to talk to him. Manage Settings bigles2000. If he called you mama while you were both alone together then it would be more likely that he was showing attraction to you and you should consider the body language that he was showing. International custody disputes are a big hot mess. Why waste your time with someone that wouldn't be proud to be with you and let the world know it? Ive been with this guy for approximately four months now and I feel as if hes still hung up on his sons mother. Having more dilated pupils when he is around you. I call my boyfriend heartbeat and he call me mama sometimes he change and call me queen. When he decided to come back he asked to send him money and I did and he was back the same day . By Many other cultures are very accommodating of male infidelity. The same goes for texting her. If he says it often enough, maybe she'll start calling him her . Know who's talking to whom when. Now that's understandable, cheating game horrible and I strongly believe no woman should take away the father right wanting to spend time with their child. Cool. Long story short I have done everything in my power to get this woman back! Please be prepared for your karma. Hey everyone I am confused and I like for someone guy or Girl to give me feedback please I will try to be brief but it will be hard. He's cheater on both you and the baby mama! Question for the men. No matter what, the communication must stay open. It was a hot mess but I made sure he heard my take on all this because he barely spend s time with his kids and I dont nag him about it kids will learn one way or the other who their parent is down the line but Im just so fed up I dont know if all this has to do with the stupidness that happen because if it does its so ridicuous all because hes married. Bounce out baby. It might seem like this guy is super amazing in the moment, but what is he demonstrating? I was fine, but found out I was pregnant. Even his wife said, she didn't expect that he could go without sex for that long. For others, it's a deep hatred or a lasting love. In the end, our relationship suffered because I allowed too much lee-way. Yes!! The best way to handle a situation involving a child's life and the mum's is to talk to your man about it. He admits to getting me pregnant on purpose, thinking we were going to be together. Even if you did you still have no right to judge them. Depending how things happen, if they were in a relationship or if they continue seeing each other after the split, in my case we were together for almost 2 years I found out he was lying to me the whole time he was still sleeping with his ex I suspected something wasnt ok, yes I did look into his fb. I can tell in the tone of his voice. Baby girl I've been there. I fell into a deep depression, for a long time. He is cheating on her by seeing you. And guess what? Spanish Terms of Endearment for Male Lover. Your email address will not be published. I melt inside everytime I see her which is twice a week. This is not a good way to start anything with a cheater! Once I forgave, the other I could not. If she starts to degrade you and get out of hand tell her exactly how you feel sternly, because she will try to degrade you sooner or later due to jealousy. Why it's so hard to date guy with baby mamas? If it is, you really need to either find a way to let it go, or you need to move on to a guy without a child. ), As they say in church, he needs to get his house in order. The thing is I don't want his money and I know he needs to be held accountable but honestly if he doesn't want part of his daughter life he can go. What she said stuck with me. Their **** if they think so! you need to talk to him and tell him that you feel disrespected. If you treat a guy like hes a piece of shit hes going to act like one. Sometimes baby mamas have tricks up their sleeves. A local ATL radio personality, Traci Steele, has a son with Chris Brown's DJ, DJ Babey Drew. If they are not together as a couple anymore then why hide you? Put your panties on and lay down the law. Ive already told his then gf that we were still having sex and she decided to stay with him, so o well. Even if you dont like being called his baby mama, it means he sees you as being in his future and is committed to you. My bd used to make females think I was this horrible monster because he was locked up due to putting his hands on me at 8 months pregnant. Been loyal to him since day one and the attraction for me is still there . How about if he's a "real man" he gets a place for them while they're here and spends time with you. muffin. Again, it would be helpful to consider if he was showing numerous signs of attraction. and my co-workers and I call each other stuff too: babe, darlin, honey. She lives in a separate town with the kids and he goes to visit. N the messed up part is I prlly won't ever try n get into another relationship cause my trust is soo messed up!! You don't have to be on welfare to access birth control. Never ever mate a ex is a ex and that's where they belong I look forward to meeting my new fresh man and new future. Or you can say you would tell his baby mama about your affair with him. If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). I had just had a baby, so with the follow up appointments, we knew nothing was wrong with me, so he had to confess he crept around. But I do want to add one small tidbit here, I see a lot of guys saying their "baby momma" got too much drama - all I think when I read that is 'why does she have drama?'. he will flirt with me and sometimes calls me baby My boyfriend has 2 baby mommas! I still went out of my way to help him see his son every once in a while but we lost contact for five years.
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