youd likely be the gorgon who is aware of her crowd, willing to let people be around you for the wrong or right reason - it matters little to you. xx. another fun one is an asteroid named endo - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. i have a 6h and 9h stellium in this persona chart and i do devote a lot of time to learning about how they work, their energy field, chakra placement, etc. all i really need is how about bacchus (2063)? PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK MY MASTERLIST TO SEE IF I HAVE DONE THE ASTEROID. hear me out - persona charts. i do feel like they physically do something for me as well. negative aspects: you may feel as though karma tends to hit you the hardest in life. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. this program could be to bring awareness to a cause (could be about religion or sexual abuse). SATURN: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four to five months. House of the Sun: the house of the sun can show where the heart of the relationship lies. but u haven't even mentioning in posts? This is a time for a big turning point in your life, a shift within your residence may occur during the period, or a difficult journey to process internal feelings is among you. they may be haunted by their past. !!! But to finalize any alliance, you need to know about two more houses, viz. this post is very different and long. but what if thats not enough? it may sound crazy but doing something like a cleanse, a cinnamon ritual, a simmer pot, a tarot reading, etc. We could be seeing more revolutionary uprisings in the hands of community in causes for change in authority, people are reaching a limit and this is a time to rebuild a better foundation for all of humanity. my advice for surviving this retrograde: if you are hanging around a bad group stay away from them. Leo Tolstoy is/was a renowned Russian author. its always difficult to answer those in a character limited comment section - so please use the ask button! be careful with makeup use - you may find that it shocks others and even yourself and can be dangerous for those who struggle with dysmorphia. i encourage you to look into the aspects of actor along with the sign, degree, and house placement. Your name can tell a lot about your life partner. they may hate rivalries with others. you may find that people do not respect your sexuality or preferences - you may find yourself in a situation of rape similar to medusa. if you think i go ham over astrology, you should see my crystal and geology textbooks (hella tabs and hella annotated). the asteroids namesake was also very knowledgeable regarding worship - so it is likely you have a deep knowledge of the area in which you commit. eris retrograde people may unknowingly cause trouble by doing something they thought would be overlooked. every first of the month may help change your mindset from pessimistic to optimistic. Discover more posts about marriage-astrology. Eucharis does not appear in classical Greek myth (she appears in an Enlightenment Era epic, Les Aventures de Tlmaque), but she is thought to be one of the nymphs of Calypso. make to-do lists. Florence Bascom was one of the first American geologists and professors to be a woman. where eureka is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in leo at 18 - yeah i definitely am the scapegoat for getting things done. What if its retrograde? you have a humble personality, and yet you likely get punished for your behavior based on an outsiders perceptions. reach out to someone youve not spoken to in a while. Your chart tells you if you are destined to be compatible in a relationship or not. This may be a time where you are trying to further yourself in society, trying to climb the social ladder with all youve learned. medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. wheretardis is for me and how it affects me personally:7h in virgo at 18 - :) i swear to god i literally have a running list of asteroids and picked at random 25 different asteroids. Hey guys so my job has been cutting hours a lot and I need to be able to pay my bills. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. Physically, watch for problems with your ankles/calves and circulatory system. some example questions: what does this stellium mean in my aphrodite persona chart?, what does harmonia square my friends (always let me know the relationship to the person) aphrodite mean?, can you help me understand the aspects in my natal chart to my harmonia asteroid?, i have a lot of uranus aspects in my solar return this year - what do they mean?, 8h pluto for my solar return is giving me the creeps, do i have to be worried? you know whos good at that? internally, you may feel like you are doing everything right - you arent too egotistical, you are devoted, etc. His harbinger statement occurs when he tells Alice why he and the March hare are essentially stuck in never ending tea time. It could very much be a time to build a family or marry, as marriage is the merging of families here. aquarius (11, 23): youd be the medusa that athena had the right to be suspicious over. so have no fear if you feel doubt; tell yourself its because if you didnt have those moments, youd be unstoppable/inhuman. they likely feel as though no one is there when they need someone. go get another hobby, you arent living other peoples lives so like what do you care - go hug a tree or something. they may be extremely ruthless or lack a spine when it comes to asserting themselves. A loss of a pet may be possible during this transit. On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin and Armstrong made the first moonwalk and became the first humans to set foot on another world. leo - sun. Your marriage is running in rough weathers and every marriage prediction by date of birth says that the marriage is doomed. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. practice decluttering for the maximalist and practice gifting yourself something you truly want (NOT WHAT YOU NEED lol) for the minimalist. where lova is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 6 - haha this is where it gets interesting. The theory is that telomeres shorten with age - this shortening leads to more frequent apoptosis. you may find yourself back at square one but have no fear - you have the ambition to rise from the ashes. so make sure you are always experiencing more - you may find that you enjoy worshipping deities from across many other cultures. @a-d-nox makes sense! brainstorming random ideas - journals are your friends - track your mood, keep a dream log, and write down good ideas you have (you can always return to these ideas when you get the energy to do stuff again). you may have a very specific set of values. For you to have a healthy subconscious state you need to understand the importance of what it means to be alone. Uniqueness is so important that they may adjust their opinions to deliberately conflict with others! but similar to this mythical character when something negative occurs you may find that people who know your family compare you to a member (most often it will be your mother); you are just like your father, youre your mothers daughter alright, etc. she was a dedicated worshipper of athena, but you need more options to flourish. vesta retrograde people feel like they lack a cause to be motivated by or feel they belong to. IN MY OPINION Educatio in a chart can tell you a) where you are most knowledgeable, b) where you enjoy learning the most, and/or c) could help you to pick a major/speciality to pursue in upper education. hypothesis of marriage in astrology . the same projection and reaction circumstances/interactions may occur in your life. you may find yourself in a poverty-stricken area reviving old things to be new once more. i have written about 25 randomly selected asteroids from my interesting asteroids list on my phone that are NOT mythology related and thus have never been mentioned and likely will never be mentioned again. Astrological factors responsible for re marriage or second marriage in astrology. you may find yourself being concerned for others but not speaking to them one-on-one. dont give up on finding your people - they are out there! Hellou:] founD myselF intrigued for a post about a random asteroid you have a dear conection with (or one u like a lot?) you matter. I havent told anyone this on here but I once was a science and math nerd before I began studying literature. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart. I dont care if they say my blood pressure is high from the anxiety lol. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. i speak very eloquently yet cryptically like cheshire. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. * Composite AC/Sun in Libra Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. you feel you do not receive the justice you seek. party ? so ill be honest with you all, im a walking health hazard. @amethystmooon leo: amusement parks, england, bombay, government buildings, northern CA, chicago, circus, dance halls, theaters, france, italy, or a stadium. these people may have a hated or fear of swimming due to past experiences where they nearly drowned or did drown. the 8h is also slightly spiritual, so you may find that you are a devoted subject just like this gorgon in terms of a cause or being. Physically, watch for issues with the head and sinuses. your greatest strength is this giving and restorative nature. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. your relationship with your mother may have been tense due to differing beliefs though your mother respected you and let you explore your thoughts and ideas. Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house transit) - Saturn is bringing its hardships and lessons into your life through your work life, health, daily routine, exercise, and pets. popular asteroids that i often see retrograded: aphrodite retrograde people may experience extremes like stalkers or not being adored by others at all. anger? If you tie the knot during this time you'll thrive as individuals and not risk losing sight of yourselves. IN MY OPINION Eucharis in a chart can represent a) opportunities regarding love life when you arent searching for it, b) love due to circumstance, and/or c) where your duty overshadows your self-interest. Ferdinando Cancelli is a palliative care specialist. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. but really i have to laugh because 1h can also be philosophical thought you know who i would give this placement/circumstance too as well? NEPTUNE: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five months. you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. any couple asteroids that aspect from the 1h based on who you are trying to attract; if you are the feminine, your masculine would be in the 1h or vice versa. i feel like thats a common trend for JUPITER retrograde people. Youre becoming responsible and more liable for material things such as gold, money, clothing, or even an entire business. its okay to not like or feel uncomfortable around masculine energy - stick to the masculines you trust or hang out with feminines! Native may suffer from divorce or more than 1 marriage. If the 1st house is emphasized, the relationships focus may be the outward appearance of the couple. Maybe making a shift from education to career. people may accuse you has faking your interests simply to get attention from others or to outshine another. negative aspects: you may experience a physical change that takes a toll on your social life and mental health. your presence is a hard one to forget, so ensure you use it wisely. you may find home doesnt really feel like home to you. so its forensic (pluto) psychology (chiron) and english (venus + venus ruled degree) for my educational pursuit. Then, find where it saysAdd New Person underPartner as shown below: Then enter in the birth information of Person B. A lover is someone who gives romantic affections to the person they are devoted to. treat yourself to something healthy - something youve wanted to try OR for the glutton, look around in an area you havent been recently in a closet or a cabinet is a favorite you have long forgotten, rediscover the joy you felt when you find it again for the first time. your temperament could promote ease and stoicism. on the non-writer side of things, i do tend to think very differently about what dating is versus what a relationship is (i think this is where my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and sagittarius venus really come into play). Trouble sleeping is common, nightmares and reoccurring states of sleep paralysis can happen. The Davison Relationship horoscope is set up for the midpoint between two birth dates and places. Capricorn (Saturn in the 2nd house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through finances, materials, self worth, and value. she pleasing the goddess and worshiping her caught everyones attention. not long after, poseidons children crawled out of her served neck. they may be quick to anger and have a hard time reallocating that anger into doing something productive. they are likely not the most willing to eliminate the things in their life that are no longer the best for them. By 31, she had a masters and PhD in geology - she was seen as a pioneer in her field. buy yourself a gift. you could find yourself eliminating and acting rather ruthlessly towards people when you get extremely upset. if you have a question regarding the sign, house, and/or aspects of an asteroid, please just ask the question in the comments. To predict future life partner name, Nakshatras play very significant role. Its just a tool to help you understand others and to give you a heads up. Leo (Saturn in 7th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through relationships, partnerships, the law, and even enemies. you could be(come) a public figure adored by those who watch you in a self-nurturing environment. i believe that if MERCURY is retrograde, people have a slower manner of speaking or i always find that they need speed to be faster (2x on youtube videos type vibes). humble? if someone abandons you: IT IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN YOUR FAULT. Treating others with respect is essential. it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. try yoga, swimming, or walking to release excess energy! * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Sun Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. even the teachers. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. give me a bit to work with and i promise i will do my best. positive aspects: you may have daydreamed a lot about your ideal life when you were younger, only to find yourself living that life later in life. Charles Schulz was a popular American cartoonist who was known for his comic strip Peanuts (featured Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy, and many other lovable characters). mercury-saturn and/or jupiter-saturn; its giving til death do we part vibes also saturn is fidelity so these two aspects are good indicators that the proposal with be that of long-term commitment.
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