However, Bulgarians claim to be able to understand Serbo-Croatian better than the other way around. Between some languages, there can also be imbalanced mutual intelligibility, known as asymmetric intelligibility. This occurs when speakers of one language can understand a related language to a greater degree than speakers of the related language can understand the other. Lets say a young Czech goes to Slovakia without prior exposure to Slovak. Exposure doesnt count. LIFESTYLE Languages. However, any suggestions that Kajkavian is a separate language are censored on Croatian TV (Jembrigh 2014). BULGARIAN (transferred to the Latin script): algarskijat ezik e indoevropejski ezik ot grupata na junoslavjanskite ezici. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. In addition, a Net search was done of forums where speakers of Slavic languages were discussing how much of other Slavic languages they understand. Russian is partially mutually intelligible with Ukrainian, Rusyn and Belarusian. I would like to add an interesting fact Slovenian has very harsh dialects due to the historic separation of different regions. . There is as much Czech literature and media as Slovak literature and media in Slovakia, and many Slovaks study at Czech universities. Serbo-Croatian intelligibility of Slovenian is 25-30%. Yet some say that the subtitles are simply put on as a political move due to Ukraines puristic language policy. 0%? If you think this website is valuable to you, please consider a contribution to support the continuation of the site. For example, the spirantisation of Slavic /g/ to /h/ is an areal feature shared by the Czech-Slovak group with both Ukrainian and Sorbian (but not with Polish). Go back to your kennel. I once had a conversation with a young woman from the Czech Republic. Here are three critical ways in which Bulgarian and Russian speakers differ. Kajkavian is probably closer to Slovenian than it is to Chakavian. Only Croatians try so hard to press differences. Youre welcome Robert, for a non-slavic speaker, you have a pretty good grasp of these linguistic niceties. Can you give me your name here or can you email me with your name, unless that is you in your email address there. Macedonian: 50-60 % The only (still rather minor) problem that I had with this text was the part Nared s osnovnata, izpolzovana v Balgarija (Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria), because I could not understand Nared s osnovnata. In fact, I would probably have a hard time to understand a Czech speaking with such an intonation. I must admit that knowing English, German and French also helped me since Polish readily uses borrowings from these languages where Russian prefers Slavic words. Although the standard view is that Balachka is a Ukrainian dialect, some linguists say that it is actually a separate language closely related to Ukrainian. You would be amazed at how good peoples estimates of this sort of thing are though. If you choose to study a language thats mutually intelligible with one you already know, chances are youll have to put a lot less work in than if you were learning a language from scratch. 12 Dec 2016 #221. The Polish langauge uses the Latin script, while the Ukrainian is written in Cyrillic. Croatian linguist. However, Balachka is dying out and is now spoken only by a few old people. 6. Russian only has 60% intelligibility of Balachka. Robert Lindsay, Independent Journalist: l Talk about Things You're Not Supposed to Talk About. Hag_Boulder 9 mo. The main Turkologist I worked with on that chapter told me that he thought 90% was a good metric. There are some words that we don't understand, but in general, these languages are much closer to each other than the pairs Russian-Ukrainian and Russian-Belarusian. Usually, they can even write their theses in Slovak. I use Ethnologues list of languages and dialects, but extend it a bit. . You must namely take into consideration that the mutual understanding depends on many things if you are LISTENING or READING, WHAT are people talking about, HOW FAST they are speaking, and even WHO is speaking. During the last 20 years, Ukraine has tried to make the language norm as far from Russian as possible for nationalistic reasons. akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. I can understand about 50% 75% of Bulgarian and Macedonian enough to get buy and carry on a conversation. Lach is a Czech-Polish transitional lect with a close relationship with Cieszyn Silesian. So if you believe the fantastic conspiracy theory that 19 hijackers some have been discovered to be still alive were able to hijack 4 commercial planes for hours uninterrupted armed only with boxcutters and crash them into US largest and with the Pentagon most well guarded which has its own missile defence and radar system buildings on US? For example, Dutch speakers tend to find it easier to understand Afrikaans than vice versa as a result of Afrikaans' simplified grammar. Sledva da se otbelei, e tova delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici, a samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik, za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi. However Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian are not like Czech and Slovak. Czech has 82% intelligibility of Slovak (varies from 70-95%), 12% of Polish and 5% of Russian and Bulgarian. [2] As a consequence, spoken mutual intelligibility is not reciprocal. For me, Serbian and Macedonian are as different as Serbian and Slovene, they sounds somehow the same, but I dont understand them correctly. And if you're perhaps a polyglot or linguaphile looking for a new challenge, then maybe learning a bit of Mandarin, Urdu, or even Persian might just be up your alley! Russian has low intelligibility with Czech and Slovak, maybe 30%. And, as it was already sad, all Slovaks understand czeh better than czech slovaks thanks to hostory and politics. The thesis that Bulgarian and Macedonian are the same language is not real in the practice. Ukrainian has 82% intelligibility of Belarusian and Rusyn and 55% of Polish. It is more like the other slavic languages (v instead of u, z instead of s, itd, less vowels, and no distinction between and ). OMG! Much of the claimed intelligibility between Czech and Slovak was simply bilingual learning. As a native Russian speaker, I noticed that my understanding of Polish went from 20% to 70% in a matter of hours when watching a film in Polish with subtitles. Basically, you only hear a series of consonants with hardly recognizable vowels. Silesian itself appears to be a macrolanguage as it is more than one language since as Opole Silesian speakers cannot understand Katowice Silesian, so Opole Silesian and Katowice Silesian are two different languages. Many Turkic languages are mutually intelligible to a higher or lower degree, but thorough empirical research is needed to establish the exact levels and patterns of mutual intelligibility between the languages of this linguistic family. But the language isnt problem. Russian. Serbs can read both cyrillic and latin without any problem even if that two scripts are mixed in a word or sentence. Sorry for my English, Im still learning itespecially right word order. French has a reasonable degree of lexical similarity with Italian,Sardinian, Romansh, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish, making it partially mutually intelligible with these languages. The Aegean Macedonian dialects mostly spoken in Greece, such as the Lerinsko-Kostursko and Solunsko-Vodenskadialects, sound more Bulgarian than Macedonian. In this week's Slavic languages comparison we talk about animals in Polish and Ukrainian. I do hope that you understand the point. How can you mesure intelligibility by using one single person. Bulgarian is a pluricentric language it has several literary norms. Ponaszymu also has many Germanisms which have been falling out of use lately, replaced by their Czech equivalents. With this, off I go to sleep. However, all three languages - Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian - are in part mutually intelligible, and already knowing one can help a lot if you want to learn one of the . If the central varieties die out and only the varieties at both ends survive, they may then be reclassified as two languages, even though no actual language change has occurred during the time of the loss of the central varieties. The Lemko dialect of Rusyn has only marginal intelligibility with Ukrainian. Most of the Ukrainian speakers who do not speak Russian are in Canada at the moment. When you find out it is a separate language, you ask for %, and they often tell you! The Polish and Ukrainian languages come from the same Slavic roots, but are not so close that they are mutually intelligible. Additionally, some Arabic speakers may be familiar with Egyptian Arabic through the media, so they may rely on this to bridge any language gaps. Ukrainian pronounces the "o" as "o" whereas Russians pronounce it typically as an "a." The Ukrainian "" and "" have different pronunciations compared to their Russian equivalents, "" and "". She didnt have any problem following. From a grammatical and morphological perspective, Ukrainian is closer to Russian: they both have East Slavic roots. Ekavian Chakavian has two branches Buzet and Northern Chakavian. Most people in Slovenia learn Serbian language so it is hard to estimate the real mutual intelligibility between Slovenian and Serbian language. To my opinion, Macedonian and Bulgarian would be today much closer if Macedonian had not been heavily influenced by Serbian and Bulgarian not influenced so much by Russian. The Macedonian spoken near the Serbian border is heavily influenced by Serbo-Croatian and is quite a bit different from the Macedonian spoken towards the center of Macedonia. On the one hand, Belarussian has some dialects that are intelligible with some dialects of both Russian and Ukrainian. So here you have a case, when I could not understand everything, but I could grasp the meaning (at least). However, many groups of languages are partly mutually intelligible, i.e. Pei Mario (1949). Macedonian side, the situation is more complicated (i will explain later). Northern Germanic languages spoken in Scandinavia form a dialect continuum where two furthermost dialects have almost no mutual intelligibility. Despite all of this, Ukrainian and Russian aren't the closest languages in the Slavic language family, and they're not even mutually intelligible. Sorry for so much criticism it is just my Czech/Moravian opinion on the subject. Their mutual intelligibility varies greatly, between the dialects themselves, with Shtokavian, and with other languages. It all adds up, man. Menu. But when you see it, you are shocked that you can read it. Briefly put, mutual intelligibility is when speakers of one language can understand a related language to some degree. This understanding can be in spoken or written communication. Also akavian has some elements of its own. Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family. Croatian language doesnt exists. In Ukrainian, one might say "I am waiting for you" ; however, there is no need for a conjunction in . Ni Torlak vowel reflexes are otherwise in line with standard Serbian and Northwestern Macedonian, deriving nuclear /u e i e u r/ from / y * *l *r/; some Torlak dialects towards Kosovo or Bulgaria instead have [l ~ l] for /l/ (giving [v()l(:)k] where Serbian normally has [v:k]) but none in my vicinity. The problem is that native speakers can understand other speakers of their own language. Some comments on Ukrainian: Often the two languages are genetically related, and they are likely to be similar to each other in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or other features. We speak them too. But islanders more often say Mi povidamo na nau or domau. Russian has high intelligibility of Belarussian, on the order of 75%. I am communicating very often with speakers of the other Slavic languages, so I did an experiment and I tried to write something in Bulgarian for one first time. Or as an English speaker, you might catch the gist of some Scots. A Serbian native speaker felt that the percentages for South Slavic seemed to be accurate. In contrast, there is often significant intelligibility between different Scandinavian languages, but as each of them has its own standard form, they are classified as separate languages. Yet there is a dialect continuum between Slovenian and Kajkavian. There is a group of Bulgarians living in Serbia in the areas of Bosilegrad and Dimitrovgrad who speak a Bulgarian-Serbian transitional dialect, and Serbs are able to understand these Bulgarians well. Im a speaker of Torlakian Serbian characteristically closer to Macedonian than Standard Serbian, having three (nom/acc/voc) cases and using a fusional instead of an analytic past tense and, with regards to a certain comment made two years ago on here, can, without issue, understand Zona Zamfirova, a movie about life in Ottoman Ni, without any subtitles. It is commonly believed that all Slavic languages are fully mutually intelligible, which implies that they are close For instance, akavian Croatian is not intelligible with Standard Croatian. As a non-Ukrainian (as well as non-Polish) native speaker, I can understand Ukrainian through Polish more easily than Russian, even though I actually studied Russian formally, but never Ukrainian-:) . Around year 550 Slovenians went west and Macedonians/Bulgars went south. Slovenian: 20% Mi povidamo Horvatski jazik means We speak croatian language in akavian. Those 12% in Polish are very dubious as well. Mutual intelligibility is highly subjective. Grammar is almost identical. It has many Hungarian words, archaic Slavic words and words of an unknown origin (at least to me). Polish: 5% A Serb gave me this information. Belarussian almost completely comprehensible, except a few words. Chakavian has 82% intelligibility of Kajkavian. However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school. Mezentseva, Inna. While not usually considered mutually intelligible, theres also enough similarity between French and Italian that speakers of Portuguese may understand both of these languages. However, she is from Skopje, close to the Serbian border and which have had much more influence from Serbian. Also there have been some czecho-slovak shows in TV lately like Czecho-Slovak Idol or Talent with judges and competitors from both countries and I have never heard of anyone who would complain about not understanding. Portuguese has varying degrees of mutual intelligibility with Spanish, Galician, French and Italian. Some Poles say they find Silesian harder to understand than Belorussian or Slovak, which implies intelligibility of 20-25%. It was probably in the same ballpark as Polish for me. Ni Torlak uses a definite suffix, -ta/-to/-ti/-te/-ta (, but less frequently than Macedonian does, and only in the nominative; it doesnt have a distance contrast as it does in standard Macedonian but it isnt even present in Serbian to begin with As soon as one gets even a very moderate amount of exposure, comprehension improves, even between such geographically distant languages as Polish and Serbian I remember staying in Montenegro and a Pole buying bread and a Montenegrin could still communicate with each other speaking at a slow-enough pace. The answer is that Izetbegovi is speaking too fast, he is often basically mumbling, and due to the different stress, I cannot identify, where the words start and end. I can grasp only something in the sense that these four periods have different names and that they dont designate different languages (delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici), but only periods of the development of Bulgarian (samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik), with typical changes or features (za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi). So, i've been interested about how much Polish speakers can understand Ukrainian without learning the language, but, most results i found said it's not really mutually intelligible, despite sharing alot or some words. Serbian is a macrolanguage made up to two languages: Shtokavian Serbian and Torlak or Gorlak Serbian. Kajkavian, especially the ZagorjeKajkaviandialect around Zagreb, is close to theStajerskadialect of Slovene. The standard view among linguists seems to be that Lach is a part of Czech. This is because colloquial Ukrainian is closer to the Ukrainian spoken in the Soviet era which had huge Russian influence. plenty of prepositions are used in a similar, if not identical, manner; to name an example, na is used in both Macedonian and Ni Torlak as a replacement for the Serbian genitive, in addition to its standard use as on(to) Spoken Slovenian is a surprise too its phonology has a significant German influence. A lect called iarija Slovenian is spoken on the Istrian Peninsula in Slovenia just north of Croatia. Many Turkic languages are mutually intelligible to a higher or lower degree, but thorough empirical research is needed to establish the exact levels and patterns of mutual intelligibility between the languages of this linguistic family. I believe My mother is a native Croatian speaker and she told me that serbian and croatian have very good intelligibility but however the grammar is very different.Comparing those two languages would be like comparing czech and slovakian. Slovenians, Macedonians and Bulgars used to be one nation called Sklaveni and they were living in the south Hungary. How to explain that? Speakers of the Torlak dialect (any Torlak dialect) understand Serbo-Croation, Macedonian and Bulgarian with no problem, and can comprehand Slovenian as much as 80-90% within a few weeks of exposure. Nevertheless, the ISO has recently accepted a proposal from the Kajkavian Renaissance Association to list the Kajkavian literary language written from the 1500s-1900 as a recognized language with an ISO code of kjv. If, for example, one language is related to another but has simplified its grammar, the speakers of the original language may understand the simplified language, but less vice versa. Lemko is spoken heavily in Poland, and it differs from Standard Rusyn in that it has a lot of Polish vocabulary, whereas Standard Rusyn has more influences from Hungarian and Romanian. This is the first time that this has been done using just . Feb 22, 2020. Intelligibility is more than 90% = dialect, less than 90% = language. I will tell you also this: some things in this article are heavily exaggerated. Greg, Kaikavian is dialect of Slovenian language. Russians, they usually need some adaptation time (and of course they need to be willing to try -- which is not always the case, since many Russians are monolingual and . Mutually Intelligible And Different., I was born in Canada to a Serbian family and speak Serbian so I am a good control as I was never formally educated in Serbian and its grammar. This implies that some of the high intelligibility between Slovak and Polish may be due to bilingual learning on the part of Slovaks. Some say it is a part of Czech, but more likely it is a part of Polish like Silesian. But akavian being archaic it has old slavic package. My email is on the Contact page. Nevertheless, writing continues in various Kajkavian dialects which still retain some connection to the old literary language, although some of the lexicon and grammar are going out (Jembrigh 2014). Intelligibility among languages can vary between individuals or groups within a language population according to their knowledge of various registers and vocabulary in their own language, their exposure to additional related languages, their interest in or familiarity with other cultures, the domain of discussion, psycho-cognitive traits, the mode of language used (written vs. oral), and other factors. There are numerous intelligibility tests out there that work very well, or you can just ask native speakers to give you a %, and most of the honest ones will tell you; in fact, they will often differentiate between oh that is our language, they speak the same language as us, for dialects and then no, that is not our language, that is different, and they do not speak our language for separate languages. The Mutually Intelligible Languages of 8 Popular World Languages 1. Scientific intelligibility studies of Czech and Slovak have shown ~82% quite high but still low enough for them to be closely related separate languages and not dialects of one language. Not everyone within each of the three broad dialect areas speaks Yiddish in the same way -- there are sub-dialects, but they are mutually intelligible. They are essentially the same language and even somebody with virgin ears can understand anybody almost perfectly, as long as he has half a brain. Im pretty sure things are identical in Belarus, if not worse afaik knowledge of Belarusian there is not too widespread in the first place. Probably, ja u da radim for Bosnians and Croatians sounds very Serbian. As a native Serbian speaker from Bosnia who has interacted with most Slavic languages , heres my breakdown of level of mutual intelligibility with other Slavic tongues: its not based on bilingual learning. Despite a lot of commonality between the dialects, the differences between them are significant. Anti-Ethnic Sentiments Im of the Yugoslav variety by rearing, and a Serb by select bits of culture, by most of my native language and by all of where my tax money goes. Ability of speakers of two language varieties to understand the other, As a criterion for identifying separate languages, List of languages sometimes considered varieties, List of dialects or varieties sometimes considered separate languages, Alexander M. Schenker.
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