Please consider adding significant tags (>1 tag). Is it possible to create a concave light? He was born on the 5thof Sha'baan in the year 4 Al-Hijri. They were simply there go guide whoever that comes to them. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Imam's duty only becomes activated when enough people want him to be their leader. Rasoolullah (S.A.W) loved Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) dearly. ", Al-Mubaarak Poori said: i.e. They portrayed a set of ideals, standards and virtues that are timeless. The old woman said that the food was not prepared but if they wished to wait, she would slaughter the goat and cook it for them. 133-134 ofSiratul Aimmahby Sh. The second point is that when considering the situation of his own army, the situation in Kufa and the social and political conditions at the time, Imam Hassan (pbuh) saw that it was better that he end the war immediately, and submit the government to Mu'awiyah. >I will make you the Imam to the nations is certainly not refering to the Imam concerning the Imamah doctrine of Shia but it referes to leader, Abraham was made a leader among all nations as an intrinsic quality of prophethood itself. If I had supporters, I would have fought him day and night until God judges between us. Buried:Karbala, Iraq, Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain God loves those who love Hussain[i]. 137, 139 ofSiratul Aimmahby Sh. [9], Qasim asked his uncle, "Will I also be among the martyrs?" But your are right that usually we only mean 13 (or 14 if the prophet himself is included) individuals. 36 ofBihar al-Anwarby Allamah Majlisi, [iii]Pg. Among these people is Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (buried in the city of Ray in Iran), one of the prominent students of Imam Hadi (as) and a descendant of Imam Hassan (as), who has valuable scientific and jurisprudential works. beachfront condos for sale under 100k; st louis city circuit court filing fees; about Ibrahim a.s.) and so Imam has the perfect knowledge of On hearing this, Rasoolullah (S.A.W) went to the spot pointed out by Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) and He (S.A.W) saw that both the beloved grandsons were resting and an angel had one of his wings under them and was shading them with the other wing. You (Imam Hassan) should have kept yourself alive. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). The site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. The Prophet (s) introduced him and his older brother, Imam al-Hasan (a), as the Masters of the Youth of Paradise. He The letter stated: My son Qasim, a day will come when my brother Husayn will be facing an enemy army of tens of thousands. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023. As with all the Holy Infallibles, Imam Hussains virtues span a multitude of dimensions which cannot be encompassed by this short pamphlet. Those who remained committed to Imam Hussains mission were of the highest caliber in intellect, faith, and love. As you can see all other Imams, none of them had a governing role. You could also ask why was Muhammad (s.) chosen to be the last prophet and not prophet Isa (a.). Why did Imam Hassan made Ubaidullah b. Abbas commander of the troops he sent to fight with Muawia, when he had shown his lack of support during the caliphate of Imam Ali and was condemned by the Imam for it? Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) are known as the masters of the youth of paradise. Well, yes, if Imam Hassan was pressured to pledge allegiance, the situation would have been different, and this is the third difference. Birth He was bom on the 15th of Ramdhan in the 3rd year of, Hijra. Wandering in the city, he found Imam Hassan (as) sitting on a mule, so he rushed towards the Imam and began cursing him, slandering him and accusing him. What we have come across is the Hadeeth reported by At-Tirmithi and which was narrated by Usaamah Ibn Zayd who said: I knocked on the door of the Prophet for a need and he said: These (Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn ) are my sons and my daughter's sons. In any case, and as the Shiite beliefs are based on it, "Imamate" is in fact a divine thing that is determined by God, and the one who has the highest position in terms of science and morality, etc. I think there is a misunderstanding in the question. His father is Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a.s.), his mother Nargis Khatun. Imam Hasan was the older son of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima Zahra the younger son being Imam Hussain. Well, Mu'awiyah said he would make the religion rule and he did. Friday, 10th Muharram, 61 A.H. Place: Kerbala, Iraq Age: 57 years; . Allah has comprehensive programme for Hidayat (finding salvation), through Prophets and their representative. All of them happily partook in the meal, and on leaving they informed the old woman that they were of the Quraish tribe and they invited her to visit them in Medina Shareef, so that they may return her generous favour. Imam Ali (as) was also extremely protective over their safety, because any harm done to them would mean that the lineage of the Prophet (as) would be jeopardized. Kunya:Aba Abd Allah It also shows us what excellence has been bestowed on the grandsons of Rasoolullah (S.A.W) that the decision concerning their writing is made in the Divine Court of Almighty Allah (S.W.T). We know he did not have children until he was aged according to other verses. ALLAH ATTI JAZA. legislation or Hussain responded: "I seek refuge in Allah that I [would] take a pledge of allegiance from you while Hasan is alive." 51 Just as he was a loyal follower of Ali, so too was he to Ali's successor, Hasan. Es gratis registrarse y presentar tus propuestas laborales. When Imam Hasan was questioned about his decision, he said, By God, I have not submitted the authority to him (Muawiyah). Al . Why do the Shi'as believe that their Imams can provide divine guidance? Through Imam Hussains profound wisdom and unmatched devotion, he taught, and continues to teach, generation after generation about the way to know God. In other words, Imam Hasan is a leader among the inhabitants of paradise. The answer to these has been stated by God in one word in verse 124 of Surah An'am: , God knows best where to place His mission,, Jafar Subhani, [xi]Pg. 101 ofSeerat al-Aimmahby Sh. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? For Imam Hussain the people sent letter for him to come and save them from Yazid son of Mu'awiah, letter they were threatened and decided not to back Imam Hussain. Ref: [ix], It was not long, however, before the worry over Imam Hasan became unbearable to Muawiyah. He was the embodiment of the character of his grandfather Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) and of his blessed parents. Husayn ibn Ali replied: "How do you see death?" The betrayal of Prophet Muhammad, the injustice suffered by Imam Ali and Lady Fatimah, the treachery directed toward Imam Hassan, and the murder of innocent life, culminated in Imam Hussains movement. The three of them then continued on their journey. Prophet can see unseen universe directly but Imam learn about unseen NEED YOUR SPECIFIC ATTENTION ON THE SAME. Muawiyyah and his goons desensitized the general public by spreading fabricated sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad and popularizing perverted interpretations of the Holy Quran all in an attempt to justify tyrannical rule. Side note: In a broader sense of Ahl-ul-Bayt there are more members than the ones mentioned above. He was the elder son of Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS) from Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA), the revered daughter of the Prophet of Islam (SAW). [12], On 10 October 680 (Muharram 10, 61 AH), the day of Ashura, Qasim ibn Hasan was killed near the Euphrates, where Husayn and his followers were not allowed to get water. Qasim was thus a great-grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, who was the father of Fatima. 111-113 ofSeerat al-Aimmahby Sh. She immediately asked her beloved father, Ya Rasoolullah (S.A.W), Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain cannot be found. Once, Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A) had gone outside for a long time and Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A) became very worried. [8] Husayn and most of his family and companions, including Qasim ibn Hasan, were killed and then beheaded in the Battle of Karbala on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram 61 AH) by Yazid, and the women and children were taken as prisoners. If he hadnt ended the war at that point and had continued the war for another year, two years, five years, or 10 more years, the result would have been the same. This was manifested by the fact that his martyrdom had been foretold by the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) and even though he was aware of this, he still made Sabr and waited for the Will of Allah (S.W.T) to take its course. Born:15thRamadan, 3 AH/624 CE in Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula 1 176 . Died:7thSafar, 50 AH/670 CE, after being poisoned by his wife, Jada. Immediately Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) appeared and said, O Prophet of Allah, this decision will be made by Almighty Allah (S.W.T). Thus Almighty Allah commanded Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) to take an apple from Jannat and to drop it over their boards. We will perform Wudu and Salah in front of you. A prophet has a duty to walk around a guide people. Jafar Subhani, [x]Pg. Some time passed and both the old woman and her husband became very poor. Imam al-asan ibn Al ibn Ab lib ( , 624-670 CE), commonly known as Hasan or Hassan, is the eldest son of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and of Ali, and the older brother to Husayn. However, in France, the name Hassan is ranked the 8,581 st . When I finished, he asked me, It seems you are a stranger here?, Then he said, Come on over to our place! 46 ofal-Aimmah al-Ithnay Asharby Sh. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Only 3 people showed up. You are older in age, so you must know more about Wudu and Salah than us. Imam Hussain (R.A) then asked, And what if someone is not in such poverty (where he is patient)? The Bedouin replied, Then he should be struck by a bolt of lightning. On hearing these answers, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) smiled and gave him the entire bag. All the 72 companions of Husayn, including Qasim ibn Hasan were buried in a mass grave. Imam Hassan was not asked to pledge allegiance to Mu'awiyah. Period of Imamate:9 years Propaganda and blatant lies in the travelers country of origin had led him to view Imam Ali and his family in a terribly negative light. Search for jobs related to Imam hussain ke kitne bete the or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. They have gone out and we do not know their whereabouts., Just then, Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) descended and said, Ya Rasoolullah (S.A.W), there is nothing to worry about. These were the words of Prophet Muhammad (pbut&hp, Messenger of God, concerning his young grandson. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? These All hadith Ref. Imam Ali (as) would say that when battles became intense, they would seek refuge in the Prophet (as) to aid with his courage in order to help defeat the enemies. He was very pleased to see her and asked what both Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A) had given her. In short, the hadith is about the gathering of 5 members: The Prophet (PBUH), his daughter Fatimah (a.s.), Al Imam Ali (a.s), Al Hassan (a.s) and Al Hussein (a.s). Imam Hussain (pbuh) opposed an oppressive ruler, whereas Imam Hassan (pbuh) was dealing with the people. He was thefirstgrandson of the Holy Prophet (saws), thesecondsuccessor to the Prophet, thethirddivinely appointed leader, and thefourthmember of the Holy Progeny (Ahlulbayt). Reference: How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? [5] When Hasan's brother Husayn ibn Ali prepared to leave Medina in 680, Qasim's mother Umm Farwa asked Husayn to take her and the young Qasim with him. The Prophets performed miracles with the permission of Allah, so do the Imams. Horses began running from one side to another, trampling and killing Qasim. Imam Hussain was martyred at the hands of heartless terrorists criminals who falsely claimed to follow Prophet Muhammad. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The Prophets were revealed the things of the future by Allah, so it is for the Imams. [xi][xii], [i]Pg. Imam Hussain ibn Ali (peace be upon them) Name: Hussain. Zaidi differs in their view from twelver shia, that's right. Both brothers then went to the court of the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W), who looked at their work and said, This decision will be made by Hazrat Jibrail (A.S). only hears angle (but not seeing). Jafar Subhani, [v]Pg. Jafar Subhani, [vi]Pg. Died:10thMuharram, 61 AH/680 CE, after being martyred during the Battle of Karbala A discussion on whether the Shi'a is right or wrong with this view is misplaced here. Imam Hassans treaty with Muawiyyah was short-lived as Muawiyyah blatantly broke his vow to abide by it. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. This protest was obligatory, and the culmination of the beauty and splendor of his actions was that he continued this protest until he was innocently killed. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? Al-Qsim ibn al-asan ( Arabic: ) (Sha'ban 7, 47 AH / October 4, 667 CE in Medina - Muharram 10, 61 AH / October 10, 680 CE in Karbala) was the son of Hasan ibn Ali. Rather, I left in order to seek reform in the nation of my grandfather (Prophet Muhammad) and father (Imam Ali). Busca trabajos relacionados con Imam hussain ke kitne bete the o contrata en el mercado de freelancing ms grande del mundo con ms de 22m de trabajos. 44 ofBihar al-Anwarby Allamah Majlisi, [iv]Pg. 63 ofal-Aimmah al-Ithnay Asharby Sh. He s.a.w told also to his companion and did forward to this message to whole Muslim ummah that Hazrat Hassan & Hussain Bros. also Imperial/King to whole Youngster in Jannah. Meaning, that Muawiyah extorted such extreme effort against Ali, had he directed this effort towards mountains instead, they would have perished. It is very different from the situation during the time of Imam Hussain. Period of Imamate:10 years 2. Early Notables of the Hassan family (pre 1700) More information is included under the topic Early Hassan Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.. Hassan Ranking., Learn about our second holy Imam Hasan (as), the prince of peace, who sacrificed his position to save Islam. They came to a shack belonging to a very old woman. As they would help you to find relevant posts and excluding yours is a duplicate. The army of Yazid got scared thinking they were coming to attack them, creating confusion. Husayn and Abbas rushed over. Why do the Shi'as believe that their Imams can provide divine guidance? In this battle, the camel had become a strong symbol of rebellion and was the root of bloodshed and conflict. Muawiyah was able to bribe Imam Hasans wife to poison him. About JCPOA, the other side's actions matter, not their promises. According to this hadith and also other references some differences of prophet and Imam are: Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) was taught by Rasoolullah (S.A.W), Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A). Age at Martyrdom:48 We feel great sorrow for our grief-stricken brothers in Syria and Turkey, We feel great sorrow for our brothers in Syria and Turkey, The Holy Quran shines more brightly every day, Mothers unique role in forming their childrens identity, Women are so important in Islam that the Quran presents them as models for all of humankind, Islam naturally stands against liberal democracys plot to dominate the world, Imam Khamenei met with members of the Assembly of Experts, Sha'ban: The month for cultivating hearts, The Iranian's historic turnout on this 22nd of Bahman is deserving of divine appreciation, Martyr Soleimani: A general who surmounted moral heights besides military heights, Meeting with Iranian entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and knowledge-based companies, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Imam Hussain was the Imam, but was brutally martyred. The difference between these two men is that because Imam Hassan (as) is a direct descendant of the Prophet (saws), he inherited and demonstrated the courage of the Prophet (saws), unlike Muhammad Ibn Al-Hanaffiyah who was of mixed blood. Qasim was born the son of Hasan ibn Ali, the second Imam, and his wife Umm Farwa. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 50, Vol. [7] After the people of Kufa sent letters to Husayn and asking his help and pledging their allegiance to him, Husayn and his family members (including Qasim) and his companions traveled from Mecca to Kufa in Iraq but were forced to camp in the plains of Karbala by Yazid's army of 30,000 men. With unwavering loyalty and great patience, Imam Hussain stood by his leader and brother, Imam Hassan, even in the darkest moments. Therefore, the narration from the Prophet did not apply to the time of Imam Hassan (pbuh). Let the age of the father be x. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. Muawiyah said in front of a crowd in Kufah: Indeed, every condition and thing that I yielded to Hasan, the son of Ali, is beneath these two feet of mine![viii], Muawiyah proceeded with a policy of terrorism and persecution against anyone who outwardly affiliated with Imam Alis family. 5. He rose up against an oppressive ruler, because the ruler was committing oppression, acting immorally and sinfully, and was malicious. All Rights Reserved. He asked, Which action is the most exalted amongst all actions?, The Bedouin replied, To bring faith in Allah. Imam Hussain (R.A) then asked, What protects a servant from destruction?, He answered, In having complete trust (faith) in Allah. Imam Hussain (R.A) then asked, What is that through which a servant attains his splendour? He answered, By knowledge which is accompanied with good deeds., He asked, And if one does not have this quality? He answered, He should have that wealth in which there is generosity. He then asked, And what if one does not have such wealth? He said, He should be patient in his poverty.. (This is also a significant difference between Shia Imams and Sunni caliphes. Isn't that giving a lower title to muhammad(pbuh)? Zaidi still believe that the most knowledgable man after Imam Al Husain (a.) Imam is the custodian of Prophet, he may be regarded as representative of Prophet. One interpretation, according to Martyr Motahhari, is that when Imam Hussain (pbuh) was martyred, he was both protesting and at the same time encouraging what is right and forbidding what is wrong. The death of Husayn and his companions at Karbala is believed by both Shias and the Sunnis to be a sacrifice made to prevent the corruption of Islam by tyrannical rulers and to protect its ideology.[15][16]. Imam Hussain again rejected the sacrilegious Yazid as a ruler and the system of monarchical despotism established by Muawiyyah. Both the children are at a certain place and Almighty Allah has appointed angels to protect them.. According to wiki, Hasan had 15 sons and 9 daughters but most of them died early. Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? Some key terms of the treaty were as follows: Muawiyah wrote down these terms himself and sealed the document. They could not come to an agreement as to whose writing was better, so they took their work to Hazrat Ali (R.A) and asked him to make the decision. The Hadeeth states also : Their father is better than them . If Imam Hassan (pbuh) had confronted his own people who had rebelled against him and had lost his life, he would never have been seen to be the brave person who was protesting, who stood up to what was wrong and was killed. The first difference: the Imam is not the legislator. One day, a man from Syria who was heavily influenced by the lies of Muawiyah headed towards Medina (after the death of Imam Ali), and when he arrived he asked the locals if they knew anyone that was associated with Ali, so they informed him of Hassan and Hussain. Summary of the commission "Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) and Shiites" in International Conference "Tradition and era of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.)" . Why didn't you accept? If someone argued that Mu'awiyah would have revealed his true intentions after the martyrdom of Imam Hassan with his wrongdoings, the same people who had protested would have said, Yes, when Imam Hassan was not there, he would have done such things. , But also many children of the Imams (PBUH) have been pure, knowledgeable and brave people and have rendered very valuable services to Islam. The Imam does not observe the angel, but the material is instilled in his heart, or the voice of the angel of revelation is heard, and thus he understands the facts and realities. God is chosen as the Imam. (not even the oldest living son). This showed that both of their calligraphic writing was equal. While Imam Hasan was only a boy of about seven years when Prophet Muhammad passed away, the Messenger of God had made a point to recognize Imam Hasan with distinction. Imam Hussain (AS) opposed an oppressive ruler, whereas Imam Hassan (AS) was dealing with the people. He always cared for the poor and oppressed, assisted the helpless, gave comfort to those in pain and sorrow and showed great love and affection towards orphans. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In the United States, the name Hassan is the 6,179 th most popular surname with an estimated 4,974 people with that name. Mu'awiyah claimed that he was willing to comply with the Book of God. One such as me will never pledge allegiance to Yazid. He was pressured for pledging allegiance up until the last hour when Ibn Sa'd and others came to him. Blind is the eye which does not see You, Ever-Watchful over it! Answer (1 of 6): Was there any disputes between Hasan and Husayn ibn Ali over the Hasan's peace treaty? . 56, 61 ofal-Aimmah al-Ithnay Asharby Sh. ", He went to the battlefield and killed many fighters. It can be understood that the rank of Imam is higher than prophet because prophet Ibrahim a.s. could become Imam after passing exams and it was at ends of his life because he asks "and from my children"? Copyright 2023 - All rights reserved. It only takes a minute to sign up. Prophet Muhammad distinctly linked those loved by God to those who love Hussain. This is the fourth difference. In the war of Jamal(Camel), Imam Ali (as) ordered his son Muhammad Ibn Al-Hanafiyyah to go into the middle of the battlefield and strike a spear in the thorax of the camel. Well, yes, if Imam Hassan was pressured to pledge allegiance, the situation would have been different, and this is the third difference. no reason exist always highest should be used. How does the Shi'ite view of Infallibility of the Prophets and the Imams reconcile with the examples in Qur'an? Does something besides You have a manifestation that is not Yours such that it would be the one to manifest You?, When have You ever been hidden, such that You need a proof to show You? All Content by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. 55 ofal-Aimmah al-Ithnay Asharby Sh. Jaar Subhani, [x]Pg. How can You be proven through that which is in need of You in its very existence? So Imam wrote in response: Identity of murderer of Al-Husayn, may Allah be pleased with him, Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, foretold that Al-Hasan would reconcile between two great groups, Faatimah was eighteen when she married Ali, Only wives of Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, are mothers of believers, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. Like the first son of Imam al-Hasan (a.) 103 ofSeerat al-Aimmahby Sh. What is the difference between Shia and Bohra People? Battle of Karbala's answer is great. He sat in seclusion waiting to listen. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. With Muawiyyahs death, Yazid quickly assumed the political throne and attempted to force his will upon Imam Hussain. Al b. Ab lib (a) (Arabic: ) (b. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? As regards the other Hadeeth which was reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmithi, Ibn Maajah and An-Nasaai, it was narrated by Abu Saeed Al-Khudri who said: The Prophet said: ''Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn are the masters of the youth of Paradise. Shaykh Al-Albaani classified it as Saheeh [sound]. [5] He called out for his uncle. The Prophets are infallible with respect to the religion, so are the Imams. Imam Hasan would resume political authority after Muawiyah. She was still thinking about where the children might have gone when the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) arrived at her home. He had to take action against him, and he did. If so, then what are the other children of Hazrat Ali (AS) classed as who descended from his other wives. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? Imam Sajjad, Imam Baqir, Imam Sadiq were all Imams but just taught students . The Prophet (saws . 261, Vol. She presented these to him and said, This is a gift from that generous family to whom I had fed one goat. Subhaanallah! Imam al-asan ibn Al ibn Ab lib ( , 624670 CE), commonly known as Hasan or Hassan, is the eldest son of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and of Ali, and the older brother to Husayn. He exposed the true face of the Bani Umayya through the terms of the Peace treaty, paving the way to the rising of Imam Hussain (as) in Karbala. When his mother saw that her son was upset, she gave him a letter that Qasim's father had written before he died. The travelers encounter with Imam Hasan gives us a snapshot of this Imams forbearance, clemency, and charity. ), Inc. Nations." Cari pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan Imam hussain ke kitne bete the atau merekrut di pasar freelancing terbesar di dunia dengan 22j+ pekerjaan. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 204-205, Vol. As the second immaculate Imam, Imam Hasans character and decisions demand our deep contemplation. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. And indeed they have devised their devising, and their devising is with Allah, though their devising were such as to remove the mountains thereby. No doubt at all that Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Husain (AS) are the two masters of all the youth in Paradise. Rather, he would have been regarded to be a ruler who was killed by his own agents. Imam Hassan wrote in the peace treaty that Muawiyah should act in accordance with God's commandments and the Prophet's traditions, and he had accepted that he would comply with these. How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met?
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